Eric Rosati
Your therapist

INSIDE VITALITY provides therapy which brings a holistic balance to our life and a better understanding of the importance of energy balance. This approach is based on quantum vibrations within our body, which is not considered an assembly of organs to be treated separately, but an energetic vibrational field made up of billions of light particles – biophotons – which carry information. It is not the biochemical reactions of our cells that determine our state of health, but the information our cells communicate. The symptoms of an illness are reactions to the information our cells exchange, so the origin of an illness is therefore not a purely biological problem, but also a lack of information. This uncovers the potential to regulate our cellular vibrational fields by precise frequencies, stabilising our cells into their natural frequencies.

Today, we can provide you with therapeutic solutions which permanently relieve various illnesses and ailments such as:

Allergies, Anxiety, Depression, Eczema, Acne, Fatigue, Insomnia, Migraines, Lack of libido, Cystitis, Menopause, Osteoarthritis, Emotional fragility, Immune system failure, Weight gain, etc.

Note: Science and conventional medicine do not recognise the existence of bioresonance information fields and their medical and other applications, due to the lack of scientific evidence in the realm of conventional medicine. The therapeutic frequencies are tools aiming to permanently replace the treatment of chronic pains of the following type: fibromyalgia, skeletal, migraine; as well as for the complimentary treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleeping disorders.